😂 oh no same happens when we traveled to NYC for honeymoon. It was a banana 🍌 I thought I would go to prison.

I'm from Germany. Where are you from? The picture looked as if it was somewhere in Germany.

Talk soon, Kristina

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Oh, funny to hear that so many people actually went through the same (type of fruit aside 😂)

And well spotted -I was travelling to LA from Germany indeed :)

Talk soon!

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Feb 6Liked by Eddy @ Beating jetlag

I’ll be flying from Munich to Florida in a few days and am already mentally writing lists of how to travel outside of the EU. It’s been a few years and your Apple story made me giggle. One thing I’ll definitely not pack I guess 🤭

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Glad it helped! Have a safe trip to Florida :)

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From Frankfurt Airport?

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Yes, indeed! Do you also travel/transit via Frankfurt sometimes?

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This sounds like a nightmare when you’re in heaven mentally ready for your honey moon

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This resonates quite close to home for me.

In our case, a banana was the culprit and it was at a land crossing from Canada to the US for a camping trip.

A number of years ago, our family set out to go to Letchworth State Park in New York State. Behind our car, we towed a pop-up camper. We got to the border and the customs officer saw the banana in the centre console. (My husband always carries "car fruit" when he drives).

Of course the agent asked what else we had packed since it was obvious we planned on staying in the US.

He directed us immediately over to secondary inspection where we had to vacate the car and assist in opening the camper to view the fridge. Now anyone who owns a camper knows that these things are very tightly packed. In order to get access to the fridge, the entire camper needs to be lifted.

Anyway, they proceeded to confiscate all our fresh produce, meat and fire wood and served us with a fine.

Lesson learned. Any time after that, we kept a grocery list handy that identified which products we purchased in Canada and which we needed to buy in the US.

Never caused an issue after that.

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Mar 24Liked by Eddy @ Beating jetlag

"No interesting story starts with lettuce". Well, this is not true...

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Yes, indeed!

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Feb 7Liked by Eddy @ Beating jetlag

I have been detained so many times for food. Like you, I like healthy food. I think they take mine because it looks so good and lunch is happening soon. I finally realised that as long as the food is cooked and no seeds, you are good to go -- HOWEVERRRRR it depends on the mood of the agent. I had Laura Secord chocolates and the agent ripped into me--then the yellow marker..off to the little back room. Screamed at again personal pat down, ripped through my suitcases.. and then I asked one little question.. what did I do wrong? There was nothing wrong... I did not have raw meat, fruit, vegetables or foods with seeds. I read the limitations on food that can be brought into the USA. I think they just needed to try and rip the happiness from my face! I did get to leave with my chocolates and a smirk!

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What a story, thanks for sharing! I am travelling again to the US very soon. Let's see what happens this time :)

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Feb 8Liked by Eddy @ Beating jetlag

I hope it is a boring story, meaning it went swimmingly. If not, I can't wait to read about it! Good luck :)

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Feb 6Liked by Eddy @ Beating jetlag

As a quite anxious 12-year-old traveller heading to the US with my family to goto Disneyworld, I had a complete panic in front of a very scary customs security guard who asked my parents if we had brought any food into the country.

Thinking we were likely heading to jail and on the verge of tears, I profusely apologized to everyone that I had a few spare Starburst sweets knocking around my backpack from the flight. The security guard laughed and just let me through. I still cringe about that moment.

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What an experience it must have been! It was scary enough for me as an adult (it literally made me sweat), I can imagine for a kid at that age!

There's never a dull moment when travelling :)

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